• Running

    Vertical K Training: Video on the hill

    Training along the flanks of Mount Mahogany outside Pleasant Grove UT. This is a branch of the Bonneville Shoreline Trail with a fork up a Strava Segment titled “Green Monster” which I hadn’t been able to find. This time there was no question and I scurried up to the fork where the segment ended. Logically since it was a T intersection to a relatively flat trail. There were grades of 40% plus on this one. I have a relatively new pair of Altra Running Mens Olympus 1.5 which I’ve been breaking in. First thoughts? The medial support is a little much. The toe rocker was disturbing in the store but…

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  • Race

    Vertical K Announcement

    Announcement Video from Facebook: Vertical K Coming Up Vertical K Announcement Posted by Seven Summits Body on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Vertical K Stats: 1000 Meters Ascent = 1 Vertical Kilometer = 3,300′ of vertical gain 5 Kilometers of distance or less = 3.1 miles or less 48:00 minutes = typical elite athlete time Quandary = Vertical K Follow me on Facebook and on this blog, register for the NEWSLETTER and I’ll keep you in the loop for all my training as I attempt to succeed in my goals over the next few years.

  • Running

    Skyrunning Quandary Fourteener Results

    I managed to get my PR on the summer route of 14,265′ Quandary, a Colorado Fourteener. Here’s a short video I took that day for you to see what it’s like. At the beginning I share a brief teaser about another project I just started. At the end is a link for you to subscribe here for the newsletter. This will qualify you for a super sweet freebie I have planned to release shortly. Besides, I have a slew of great training tips to share with you that I know will help you achieve your goals faster and simpler. Check it out. Video report on my Quandary PR’s last Saturday.…

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  • Informational

    Treadmill Safety Tips

    Treadmill Safety Tips Description A recent high profile treadmill accident resulted in death. At the time of this writing, it’s unclear what exactly happened, and we might never know. In either case, it seems like a good time to share some of my own treadmill safety tips that I’ve developed from several years of riding one. I get in about 300 miles per year on a treadmill, in addition to the 1200 or so outside miles for my own training. First of all, do not become distracted. If you are going to be reading or watching TV, please put it somewhere within peripheral vision of your feet and the belt.…

  • Training

    Strength Training for Cyclists

    The research done to date on the effects of strength training for cyclists has brought mixed results. The study done by Ben Hurley at the University of Maryland had 10 sound men begin several exercises. They did chest presses, hip flexors, knee extensions, leg curls, push-ups, leg presses, lat pull-downs, biceps curls, standard squats, and bent-knee sit-ups for 12 weeks. Eight other healthy men served as controls. Following 12 weeks, the strength trained men had enhanced their endurance cycling at a force of 75% V02max by 33% with increased lactate threshold of 12%. These men were untrained before the study and did not complete consistent cycling workouts during the study. The pertinence of this study on strength training for cyclists to genuine competitors is faulty at…

  • ebook

    Full Body Band Workout – New Training Manual

    It’s finally live on Amazon, Full Body Band Workout and if you want to get the best deal, Friday and Saturday, April 17 and 18, it will be FREE. Yep, FREE. If you have Kindle Unlimited or Amazon Prime, you can get it for free right now. In order for Prime to get it free, it has to be your monthly selection and borrowed from your Kindle itself. If you order it from the website you’ll get dinged. I know… I’ll fill you in more on the details later, but here’s a quote for you, from the Preface: The Full Body Band Workout is a way to get a complete…

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